Batman: Second Chances TP by Max Alan Collins (2015-07-30) Paperback – 1800
Марка: DC
Код на продукта: CS301T
65.00лв. 55.00лв.
- After an encounter with Gotham City street criminals, Dick Grayson, a.k.a. Robin, is injured. When Batman goes into action on his own, he meets a young hoodlum named Jason Todd. Determined to guide Jason away from a life of crime, Batman takes him under his wing. These 1988 stories take Batman into police procedural territory, and set the stage for the bestselling Batman: A Death in the Family.
- Written by acclaimed mystery novelist Max Allan Collins, best known for his graphic novel The Road to Perdition, which was made into a Academy Award-winning movie starring Tom Hanks, Paul Newman, and Jude Law.
- Collects Batman #402-403, #408-416, and Batman Annual #11.
Product details
- Paperback: 280 pages
- Publisher: DC Comics; 01 edition (28 July 2015)
- Language: English